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Supporting Students, Educators, and Educational Institutions

    The company’s education business deals with three types of clients: students, teachers, and educational organizations. First are the students who the Active Learning staff teaches using classes modeled around active learning. The second type of clients includes teachers, who are taught how to incorporate active learning into their teaching. Since the Ministry of Education has announced that active learning will be implemented into Japan’s national education system, teachers must learn how to teach in such a way. Finally, the company works with educational organizations about product and service development. Due to Japan’s aforementioned national focus on active learning, organizations also often come to Active Learning to ask how to best utilize active learning in their products. Through these three clients, Active Learning supports the Japanese education system.


Learning How to Learn: Self-Growth

           When the Active Learning staff teaches students, the goal is to train them in a way that will allow independent growth and improvement. We provide a variety of educational content to create a workforce that can constantly evolve. Thus, the staff does not simply teach the students, but rather teach them how to learn.

            In learning, there are two steps: input and output. Input consists of information that students store in short-term memory, also referred to as efficient “learning memory”. Many organizations actually fail to do this step correctly, but actual learning is primarily dependent on the next step. The second step, output, involves utilizing the information obtained during the first step and using it to make new ideas or innovative creations. Students can be taught to think critically and logically by the staff, and this ability can then be carried over into their future companies.

            The Japanese workforce has been weak at understanding and optimizing this input/output learning style, so Active Learning greatly supports the country in this field. From government universities like Yamaguchi University to new ones like Digital Hollywood University, Active Learning has been collaborating with various educational institutions in an attempt to spread active learning throughout Japan. Many universities have already begun using active learning in their curricula, and not only in more innovative “next generation” courses but also in more traditional classes such as business, career guidance, and international studies. It’s also important to note that Active Learning provides active learning training to not only university students, but also to students of all ages.


Understanding the Active Learning Teaching Method

   Our second main client is teachers. In recent times, the Ministry of Education has had an increased focus on Active Learning. Although the term has been trending, many educators do not actually have a clear understanding of the term. Active learning is also difficult to teach, and despite the Ministry saying active learning should be implemented throughout the education system many say that active learning, while easy to implement in some subjects, is far more difficult to utilize in others. However, this perception is mistaken, and active learning can be implemented in all types of classes.

            Active learning, simply put, is making sure the learner is given the opportunity to think on his or her own. The company has had many people who have attempted to utilize active learning, so the staff has a great deal experience and knowledge about what works and what doesn’t when trying to practically utilize active learning. This knowledge allows them to provide cutting-edge education that maximizes the benefits of active learning.

Educational Institutions

Improving the Education System and Creating New Fields and Curriculums

   The third type of client that Active Learning works with is educational organizations, which the staff helps by improving educational methodology and designing new educational material. Although the company’s ground-based work with students and teachers is important, that work can only go so far; in order to make real changes in schools the education system, Active Learning also works with many different educational organizations. These organizations often to come when they believe schools need change to be academically competitive, or when a new curriculum is deemed necessary in order to stay relevant in the modern changing world.

            The company accomplishes this support by analyzing past cases of groups attempts at innovation and looking at what works. Utilizing this data, the staff at Active Learning has already began to provided tech support programs, to clients such as a successful vocational school of roughly 20-30 thousand students which they supported for 3 years.

            Active learning is only a certain perspective in education, so regardless of the teacher utilizes active learning style teaching or a more passive style, it is important for Active Learning that they evolve teacher’s teaching methods; learning a new method of teaching used to be difficult, but with the help of international educational organizations the staff is able to teach these methods efficiently and take education up to the next level.

            This is why the company works with students and teachers in order to help Japan attain the next level of education it is striving for; it provides the staff with live data on the current way of education to be utilized in the analysis of proficient educational methods. Active Learning sees this as an opportunity to change Japan and to help people all around the country. If you are also interested in creating a new educational system please feel free to come to Active Learning for assistance.

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